What if I have never exercised before?
Will exercise be bad for me if I suffer from arthritis or back pain?
What can I do psychologically do succeed and reach my goal?
Some people are discouraging me from having surgery. How do I get them on board?
What are the psychological benefits of bariatric surgery?
Why am I being referred to a psychologist?
What if you find I have a mental illness during the psychological evaluation?
I keep falling back into my old habits. Am I lazy?
Are there any foods I will no longer be able to eat after surgery?
Will I be able to eat anything I want after surgery and still lose weight?
The exercise class times do not work for me, what can I do?
How long will it take after surgery for me to be able to eat food again?
How do I know if I am eligible for weight loss surgery?
As outlined by the National Institutes of Health, body mass index (BMI) is used to help determine whether an individual is eligible for weight loss surgery. Body mass index is defined as the ratio of fat to height.
Individuals are candidates for surgery if:
They have failed previous attempts at weight loss in a medically supervised program.
- Their BMI is greater than 40 or between 35 and 40 with major obesity-related medical problems.
Before becoming eligible for surgery, you will meet with surgeons, dietitians, psychologists, and members of our nursing staff for a full evaluation.
Is weight loss surgery right for everyone?
Surgery is not a solution for everyone. A thorough evaluation and examination will determine whether surgery is the best option.
What are the risks of weight loss surgery?
All major surgery comes with risks, and the risks are different for each patient. Your individual risks will be explained to you as part of your evaluation process.
How much weight will I lose and how quickly?
The amount of weight you lose – and how fast you lose it – depends on which weight loss surgery you have. Dr. Macias to help us fill in.
Will my insurance cover the procedure?
Insurance coverage depends on your insurance plan. For example, some insurance companies require a patient to be in a physician-supervised weight loss program for at least a year before surgery. Call your insurance company to find out if weight loss surgery is covered.
Can I become pregnant after weight loss surgery?
Women should avoid pregnancy for at least 18 months after surgery. Please discuss any pregnancy plans with your surgeon during one of your appointments.
What should I bring to my first appointment with the surgeon?
Bring any medications you take, a list of procedures or tests you have had and the name/s and contact information for your doctors.
What happens during the first appointment?
Plan to be at your first appointment for at least an hour? The program will be presented to you in a group setting. Then, in private, the surgeon or nurse practitioner will perform an extensive history and physical. Depending on scheduling, our dietitian and psychologist may also see you at this appointment.
How long will I have to stay in the hospital after surgery?
Your hospital stay will depend on the type of weight loss surgery you have. When a hospital stay is necessary, generally it is between one and three days.
How long will I be off of work after surgery?
This also will depend on the type of surgery you have. Dr. Macias to tell us.
Should I exercise after weight loss surgery?
Regular exercise is extremely important for maintaining your weight loss. Your bariatric surgery team will help you to determine the types of exercise you should be doing, and how soon after surgery you should start doing them.
Saint Peter’s Better Health Library
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery