Saint Peter's Gianna Center provides fertility services as well as general gynecological care. We are pleased to offer a unique, restorative, and scientifically-based approach to infertility and other women’s health issues called NaProTECHNOLOGY.
Based on research that began from collaboration between women and their physicians, FertilityCare™ System is an excellent tool for tracking a woman’s fertility and monitoring her gynecologic health. By learning to identify the signs of a woman’s fertility, a couple can better understand when they are fertile, and then use this information to achieve or avoid a pregnancy, depending on their goals. According to a multiple-site study of 1,800 couples reported in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, the FertilityCare™ System is 99.5% effective at avoiding pregnancy. When the couple is ready to conceive, they simply choose to use the most fertile days for intercourse. Used in this way, 98% of couples with normal fertility will conceive within 6 months, 75% of them in the first month they try to conceive.
However, for couples who do not achieve pregnancy in this timeframe, have abnormal findings documented on their FertilityCare™ System, or suffer recurrent miscarriages, our Gianna Center provides both medical and surgical NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology) treatments to help improve the woman’s health and the couple’s chances of becoming pregnant and having a baby. NaProTECHNOLOGY is a women’s health science that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. It uses the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System biomarkers to monitor the occurrence of various hormonal events during the menstrual cycle.
The Gianna Center is part of Saint Peter's Physician Associates, a network of affiliated physicians.