Take Control of Acid Reflux

Saint Peter’s University Hospital is the only area hospital offering the LINX® Reflux Management System, a minimally invasive surgical treatment that treats the cause, not the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The LINX System is a small flexible band of interlinked titanium beads with magnetic cores.

Patients are placed under general anesthesia for the minimally invasive procedure. LINX is performed through incisions that are a fifth of an inch long. Using a small camera and other instruments, the ring of magnetic beads is placed around the last portion of the esophagus, the tubular organ that allows food to get from the mouth to the stomach. Patients go home the same day and can immediately resume a normal diet.
Typical treatment for GERD aims at reducing acid production in the stomach, improving symptoms but not curing the disease. For more information about the LINX system treatment for GERD, call (732) 339-7458.