Learn More About Hologic®Genius™3D Mammography™

Saint Peter’s University Hospital is using the Hologic®Genius™3D Mammography™ in its Women’s Imaging Center. The 3D technology is clinically proven to detect 20-65% more invasive breast cancers compared to traditional 2D mammography. In addition, the Genius 3D Mammography technology reduces 40% of unnecessary callbacks, an anxiety-inducing situation for any patient and even more common for those with dense breast tissue. Genius 3D is the only mammogram that is FDA approved as superior for patients with dense breasts.

Conventional 2D mammograms can be limiting due to overlapping layers of tissue, which can sometimes produce unclear results and even undetected malignancies. Genius 3D Mammography exams deliver a series of detailed breast images, allowing the doctor to better evaluate breast tissue, layer by layer. Genius 3D also has an artificial intelligence technology feature called 3DQuorum, which identifies clinically relevant regions of interest in the breast.

Saint Peter’s is also introducing a more comfortable mammography experience through the Hologic® SmartCurve™, a feature that works in tandem with Genius 3D. SmartCurve is a curved compression paddle that is shaped more like a woman’s natural breast. It is clinically proven to increase comfort and decrease the pain associated with the compression of breast tissue during the procedure. Saint Peter’s is the only hospital in Middlesex County offering the combination of Genius 3D Mammography exams in conjunction with the SmartCurve comfort feature.

For more information or to schedule a mammography exam, call 732-745-8600 extension 5676.

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