Your Admission to Saint Peter's
We will make your admission to Saint Peter’s as easy as possible. Upon your admission, you will be provided with A Guide for Patients and Families that is a comprehensive booklet covering all aspects of your hospital stay.
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Your admission will take place in Admissions & Registration, also known as Admitting. You will be responsible for:
- Completing and signing consent forms; these consent forms will become part of your medical record
- Supplying two forms of legal identification. Accepted forms include your driver’s license, birth certificate, passport and/or green card
- Advising us of any special food requirements and/or food allergies
- Informing us about your advance directive, if applicable
- Providing us with your health insurance card(s).
If your health insurance company requires pre-certification, you are responsible to obtain this requirement before admission.
Any patient having elective surgery at Saint Peter’s will be contacted several days prior to his/her scheduled arrival for a pre-registration/pre-certification review and discussion regarding financial arrangements. The patient’s surgeon’s office is responsible for initiating the pre‑certification process. Please see “Health Insurance” under Billing & Payment for additional information. To contact Admissions & Registration from your room, dial extension 8540.
What to Bring
You need only bring a few items for your stay. Please bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, slippers, robe and personal articles such as shampoo, deodorant, cosmetics, and a comb/brush. We will supply hospital gowns for your use during your stay.
Do not bring valuables to the hospital.
Valuables include money, jewelry, credit cards, electronics and items of sentimental value. Saint Peter’s is not responsible for securing and/or replacing any personal items or valuables during your stay, even though we will exercise care in protecting them. We also request that you leave your medicines at home; if you bring them to the hospital, please send them home with a family member.
Please Visit Our Visitor Guidelines to Learn More.
Privasent™ Technology
Saint Peter’s Healthcare System offers patients a unique and secure healthcare identity that allows you to quickly register anywhere you go within Saint Peter’s University Hospital. This technology is called Privasent™ at Saint Peter's.
Your team at Saint Peter's Healthcare System may ask you to complete a form or forms prior to your admission to help meet your healthcare needs in a timely and appropriate way. Simply click on the title of the form, print it and bring the completed form with you when you arrive at Saint Peter's for treatment.
Obstetrics Patient Pre-Registration Form
Consent for Medical Treatment
- Culinary and Nutrition Services
- Patients' Rights & Responsibilities
For Your Safety
- Pastoral Care
Advance Directive
Non-Medical Services
- Your Discharge
- Billing and Payment
Patient Portal
- Medical Library
- Medical Records Request
- Wellness
Telephone Directory
The Children's Hospital Directory
Ensuring Cleanliness